A pre-existing condition used to mean that someone like Amanda Shelley, a physician assistant and single mom from Arizona, couldn't get health insurance. 已有疾病情况指的就是像阿曼达谢莉这一类人,她是亚利桑那州的一名医师助理,也是一位单亲妈妈,原先没有健康保险。
A while back, during a medical exam, the physician assistant told me that I was 6-foot-1. 前不久,在一次体检中,医生助手对我说,我身高六英尺一英寸。
In addition to developing his Denver financial-planning business, Mr. Porter, 34, says his wife, 29, is halfway through a three-year program to become a physician assistant. 特伦特和萨万娜去年八月结婚,今年分别是34岁和29岁。特伦特说,他在发展自己在丹佛的财务规划生意,妻子为了成为医师助理正在参加一个为期三年的项目。
Another advantage of a physician assistant degree: Employment opportunities are expected to grow 30% by 2020 ( from the 2010 employment numbers), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 医师助理学位的另一项优势是:据劳动统计局的数据称,到2020年为止,其就业机会有望增加30%(从2010年的就业数字来看)。
Physician Assistant is one of today's fastest growing health care professions. 医师助理是当今发展最快的健康保健专业。
You must use the services of an ophthalmologist, optometrist, medical doctor, registered nurse, or certified physician's assistant to administer your required eye examination. 请务必请眼科医师、验光师、医师、合格护士、或合格医师助理来为您检查视力。
At GWU, she was also trained, certified, and practiced as a physician's assistant. 在乔治华盛顿大学,她也接受了训练、获得认证并进行医师助理的实务。
Administration of skin test Skin tests should be performed by P.A. ( physician's assistant) or M.D. ( medical doctors) and reaction confirmed with them. 皮试应由医师或医助操作,并且皮试反应也需经由他们证实。
Another advantage of a physician's assistant degree: The prerequisites are not as narrow as other high-paying degrees, like engineering and physics, according to Al Lee. 助理医师学位的另一大的优势:门槛不像工程学、物理学等一些高薪学位高,只需要在上课前补习相关基础课程,其他学科背景的学生都可以报考助理医师。
Health manpower includes Physician and Physician assistant. 卫生人力包括医师(士)。